
RISE Worldwide


DAAD has teamed with Canada’s Mitacs on RISE Worldwide, a program which gives faculty, postdoctoral fellows and Ph.D. students at Canadian universities and research centres the chance to offer a funded summer research internship to German undergraduate students with academic training in biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, engineering or a closely related field.

Why host a German intern?

Participating researchers receive invaluable assistance with their own work. They profit both professionally and personally from contact with the RISE Worldwide interns by getting a chance to deepen their knowledge of the culture, lifestyle and higher education system in Germany. PhD students are especially encouraged to participate because they, in particular, can benefit by learning how to guide and serve as a mentor to younger students. The program also offers an excellent opportunity to establish academic partnerships with universities in Germany or to intensify already existing transatlantic networks.

Please note, this program is administered by DAAD’s headquarters in Bonn, Germany. For more information on RISE Worldwide, including a full program description and application guidelines, please visit

Through RISE Worldwide I have had the privilege of mentoring and training many excellent undergraduate students from German universities. Inquisitive, engaged and invested in research, these students have helped advance our research and enriched our lab culture.

Petra Rohrbach, RISE Worldwide host / Parasitology, McGill University


  • Students assist in research and lab work for a proposed project
  • Placements include research groups, laboratories, and doctoral students who wish to strengthen their ties with Germany by hosting a motivated and well-qualified student
  • All students receive a scholarship from DAAD to help cover living expenses and travel costs
  • Funding is possible for a period of between 10 and 12 weeks
  • Working language will be in English

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