Research Ambassadors Profiles

Aftab Ahmed
Research Associate Professor, Chapman University School of Pharmacy - Irvine, California
E-mail: aahmedchapman.eduResearch Interests: Protein purification and characterization (Proteomics)
University/Research Institution in Germany: Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried

Richard S. Ascough
Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science Professor, School of Religion– Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
E-mail: rascoughdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Religious Studies – Origins of Christianity
University/Research Institution in Germany: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Mϋnster

Elisa H. Barney Smith
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department– Boise State University, Boise, Idaho
E-mail: ebarneysmithdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Image Processing and Pattern recognition, with document analysis, biomedical image processing, materials and geo-environmental applications.
University/Research Institution in Germany: TU Dortmund, Universität des Saarlandes

Thomas Baumgarte
William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Physics, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME, USA
E-mail: tbaumgartedaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: General Relativity
University/Research Institution in Germany: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; MPI Astrophysik, Garching

Dr. Jürgen F. Brune
Research Professor - Mining Engineering, College of Earth Resource Sciences and Engineering, Colorado School of Mines
E-mail: jbrunedaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Mine Ventilation, Mine Safety and Health, Coal Mining, Mine Fire and Explosion Prevention
University/Research Institution in Germany: TU Clausthal

Markus Chmielus
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science – University of Pittsburgh
E-mail: mchmielusdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Advanced Manufacturing of Bulk and Thin Film (Multifunctional) Metals
University/Research Institution in Germany: University of Stuttgart/Technical University Berlin/Helmholtz Centre Berlin for Materials and Energy

Albrecht Classen
University Distinguished Professor of German Studies, The University of Arizona, Tucson
E-mail: aclassenemail.arizona.eduResearch Interests: medieval and early modern German and European literature, cultural history, history of mentality, everyday culture, interdisciplinary research, gender studies, and comparative literature
University/Research Institution in Germany: Universities in Freiburg, Marburg, Frankfurt a. M., Leipzig, Halle, Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel

John F. Corrigan
Professor of Chemistry and Director Centre for Advanced Materials and Biomaterials Research - The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
E-mail: corriganuwo.caResearch Interests: Inorganic and Nanomaterials Chemistry
Universities/Research Institutions in Germany: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Research Interests: Particle physics
University/Research Institution in Germany: DESY, Hamburg; MPI for Physics, Munich

Carol Anne Costabile-Heming
Professor of German - University of North Texas, Denton
E-mail: carolanne.costabile-hemingunt.eduResearch Interests: German literature and culture, German film, memory studies
Universities/Research Institutes in Germany: Zentrum für zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam, Humboldt Universität, Berlin; Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach

Jonathan Fine
Visiting Assistant Professor of German Studies – Brown University
E-mail: finedaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: German literature and intellectual history
University/Research Institution in Germany: University of Potsdam; FU Berlin

Thian Yew Gan
Professor at the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering - University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
E-mail: tganualberta.caResearch Interests: Hydrologic processes and modeling, climatology, remote sensing, climate change, water resources management and planning, and snow hydrology.
Universities/Research Institutions in Germany: Technical University Munich, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich

Heidi Gottfried
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology - Wayne State University
E-mail: hgottfrieddaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Work Transformation, social policy, gender and inequality
Universities/Research Institutions in Germany: Institute fuer Soziologie, University of Hamburg

George Heffernan
Professor, Department of Philosophy - Merrimack College, Massachusetts
E-mail: heffernandaad.orgResearch Interests: Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Ethics (esp. Contemporary Moral Problems,e.g. environmental, medical, technological issues)
Universities/Research Institutions in Germany: University of Cologne (PhD 1981, sabbatical research 1998); Freie Universitaet Berlin (sabbatical research 2003)

Boerge Hemmerling
Assistant Professor of Physics – University of California, Riverside
E-mail: b.hemmerlingdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Atomic, molecular and optical physics
University/Research Institution in Germany: Leibniz University of Hannover; Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig; University of Heidelberg

Matthias Hofferberth
Assistant Professor, Political Science & Geography – University of Texas at San Antonio, TX, USA
E-mail: mhofferberthdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: International relations and globalizationUniversity/Research Institution in Germany: Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main; Westfällische Wilhelms-Universität, Mϋnster

Kristopher Imbrigotta
Visiting Assistant Professor of German - University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA
E-mail: kimbrigottapugetsound.eduResearch Interests: 18th-20th century German literature and culture, Visual Culture studies, Theater and Performance, Historiography, Narratology
University/Research Institution in Germany: Universität Hamburg; Akademie der Künste / Bertolt-Brecht-Archiv, Berlin

Ivan Korendovych
Associate Professor, Chemistry – Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
E-mail: ikorendovychdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Biochemistry, biophysics, protein design and engineering
University/Research Institution in Germany: University of Marburg; University of Greifswald

Julia Lalande
Manager, High Hazards Unit, Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development, Government of Ontario
E-mail: lalandedaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Eastern European Migration to Canada
University/Research Institution in Germany: University of Hamburg

Ann Lemke
Oboe Instructor - Cranbrook Schools, Bloomfield Hills, MI; Visiting Scholar - Germanic Languages & Literatures, The University of Michigan
E-mail: maillemkestudio.comResearch Interests: German women writers and composers, the interrelationship of music and literature, Goethe songs, music for young children
University/Research Institution in Germany: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Karl-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Alexander Lerch
Assistant Professor, Center for Music Technology – Georgia Institute of Technology
E-mail: alerchdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Music Information Retrieval & Music Technology
Universities/Research Institutions in Germany: Technische Universitaet Berlin

Sebastian Luft
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy – Marquette University
E-mail: sluftdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: 19th and 20th century European philosophy, philosophy of culture.
Universities/Research Institutions in Germany: Universität Würzburg, Universität Freiburg i.Br. (Husserl-Archiv)

Karsten Lunze
Assistant Professor - School of Medicine, Boston University
E-mail: klunzedaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Maternal and newborn health, HIV prevention among key populations
Universities/Research Institutions in Germany: Charité Medical School, Berlin

Pierre Mertiny
Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering - University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
E-mail: pmertinyualberta.caResearch Interests: Polymer composite materials, composite pressure vessels and piping, nanocomposites, composite energy storage flywheel rotors
University/Research Institution in Germany: Universität Hannover

Brian S. Mitchell
Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering – Tulane University
E-mail: bmitchelldaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Nanostructured Materials Processing
Universities/Research Institutions in Germany: Bergakademie Freiberg/BAM; DLR; Max Planck Inst. F. Kolloid

Gerhard Multhaup
Chair and Professor -Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine at McGill University
E-mail: gmulthaupdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Biomedical pharmacology; neurodegeneration and amyloid toxicity
Universities/Research Institutions in Germany: Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Freie Universitaet of Berlin (FUB) and the University of Heidelberg (ZMBH)

Joe Perry
Associate Professor, Department of History - Georgia State University
E-mail: jbperrygsu.eduResearch Interests: modern and contemporary German social and cultural history; celebration and the senses; the mass media and identity
University/Research Institution in Germany: Technische Universität Berlin

Manfred Philipp
Professor Emeritus – City University of New York
E-mail: m.philippdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Bioinformatics, Enzymology
University/Research Institution in Germany: Universität Freiburg; Universität Ulm; Universität München

John L. Plews
Associate Professor of Modern Languages (German) - Saint Mary's University
E-mail: jlplewsdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Second Language Education, Study Abroad for Second Languages
University/Research Institution in Germany: Canadian Summer School in Germany (Kassel); Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Christoph Schaal
Assistant Professor – California State University, Northridge
E-mail: ch.schaaldaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Ultrasonics and applied mechanics
University/Research Institution in Germany: University of Stuttgart

Ingo Schlupp
Presidential Professor of Biology and Associate Dean for Research CAS, University of Oklahoma
E-mail: ischluppdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Evolutionary Ecology of Fishes
University/Research Institution in Germany: University of Potsdam, Brandenburg

Research Interests: German and European Cultural Studies, Sustainable Film and Performing Arts
Universities/Research Institutions in Germany: University of Karlsruhe; University of Mannheim

Research Interests: Political science
University/Research Institution in Germany: Hertie School of Governance, Berlin; Helmholtz Zentrum, Muenchen; LMU and MPI for Social Law and Social Policy, Muenchen

Research Interests: German studies
University/Research Institution in Germany: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin; Landesarchiv Berlin; Akademie der Künste, Berlin

Swen Steinberg
Postdoctoral Researcher and Assistant Professor – Queen’s University
E-mail: s.steinbergdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: History of knowledge/knowledge and migration/knowledge and young immigrants; environmental knowledge; refugees and borderlands; economic history and corporate cultures 19th/20th century
University/Research Institution in Germany: Technische Universitaet Dresden

Swen Steinberg
Postdoctoral Researcher and Assistant Professor – Queen’s University
E-mail: s.steinbergdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: History of knowledge/knowledge and migration/knowledge and young immigrants; environmental knowledge; refugees and borderlands; economic history and corporate cultures 19th/20th century
University/Research Institution in Germany: Technische Universitaet Dresden

Tricia Striano
Professor, Hunter College &Tricia Striano Inc. |
E-mail: tstrianodaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Infant development, neuroscience, design, real estate
University/Research Institution in Germany: MPI-EVA, Leipzig; MPI-CBS, Leipzig; University of Leipzig, University Osnabrueck

Jonathan Veinot
Professor, Department of Chemistry – University of Alberta
E-mail: jveinotualberta.caResearch Interests: Materials Chemistry, Nanomaterials, Hybrid Functional Materials
University/Research Institution in Germany: Technische Universitaet Muenchen

Gabi N. Waite
Associate Professor, Cellular and Integrative Physiology, Indiana University School of Medicine
E-mail: gnindliupui.eduResearch Interests: CTraumatic brain injury, hypoxia, oxidative stress, medical and health education
University/Research Institution in Germany: University of Hohenheim, University of Heidelberg (sabbatical)

Alina Dana Weber
Assistant Professor of German, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics – The Florida State University
E-mail: aweberfsu.eduResearch Interests: Cultural transfers, cultural representation in German literature, theatre, and film; German Romanticism and Realism; folklore in performance, literature, and film
University/Research Institution in Germany: Freie Universität Berlin

David J. Westenberg
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences and Chemical and Biochemical Engineering - Missouri University of Science and Technology
E-mail: djwestenbergdaad-ambassadors.orgResearch Interests: Plant-microbe interactions, antibacterial materials and science education
University/Research Institution in Germany: Institute for Microbiology, Göttingen, Department of Cell Biology and Applied Botany, Marbur