100 Years of DAAD Alumni: Matt Gill

Which DAAD program did you receive support through?
As an undergrad at Mount Royal University in Calgary, I went over twice for two internships. The first was for a research internship in Potsdam in 2019 on DAAD’s RISE Germany program and the second time was at the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf through RISE Professional.

Matt in the lab at Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, 2023© M. Gill
When you think of your DAAD experience, what comes to mind? Was there anything you particularly enjoyed?
I really enjoyed the opportunity to be part of two large research institutes in Germany.
The first thing that comes to mind is always the beautiful architecture of the cities I stayed in and pristine laboratories in which I worked.
What impact did this experience have on your career? Your life?
My internship experiences in Germany left me inspired to pursue a PhD. During my time there I gained a lot of valuable skills in the laboratory which have helped me progress quickly through my PhD.
Is there anything you wish you had known before you went to Germany?
I wish I had planned some more trips for the weekends!
What advice would you give a young scholar thinking of applying to a DAAD program?
For the RISE internship programs, think strategically and apply to projects for which you have relevant experience and want more in.

Matt and his brother in the Schauinsland cable car in Freibug in the Black Forest.© M. Gill