
AInet 04/2024 - Call for Applications


The call for Postdoc-NeT-AI 04/2024 is out! The focus of this edition – which will take place from 15– 19 April 2024 – is on Safety and Security in AI.

Twice a year, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) selects a group of outstanding postdoctoral researchers and experienced PhD candidates worldwide to participate in the Postdoctoral Networking Tour in Artificial Intelligence (Postdoc-NeT-AI, The fellowship includes a Virtual Networking Week and a one-week travel stipend with plenty of opportunities to personally connect with leading researchers and research institutions from all over Germany. Fellows will also become part of the DAAD AInet Fellows and Alumni Network, thus expanding and strengthening the cooperation within the group and with the German research community.

The application deadline is on February 25, 2024 For more information and to apply go to

If you have any question, contact us at


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Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked